Cricket verses Baseball

Saw a bit of baseball the other night and it struck me how "very different" it is compared to a "proper" sport like cricket.

Cricket is a sport of empire, played in smart clothes, involves gardening and cups of tea. It also has many variations on the game from very quick "twenty-twenty" which lasts two hours to the traditional cat & mouse five day Test Match which lasts up to five days.

It's a game that all types of people play from the Lawyer to the man down the market. The game is subtle unlike the bish bash baseball. It is played in good spirit almost anywhere if you have a bat & ball. In India they play in the road & in West Indies they are on the beach.

So to Baseball. It is a game played by only rebellious colonials, involves fashion-free clothing, fat people, catching with big gloves and spitting. Why do they need the big gloves? Perhaps the ball is too hard for their hands? Baseball is really a grand version of rounders which is played in private schools by children. It's certainly dangerous for the person batting that someone can throw a ball at you up to 100mph without bouncing needs good reactions to get out of the way. Oh... and by the way you can have a round small bat to waft at the ball like trying to swat an annoying insect. Even the umpire or ref has got padding on. I mean!

Really there is no comparison......

Cricket's a sport, Baseball's just a game!!


Anonymous said...

You are correct there is no comparison. Baseball is a national pastime and cricket - well it’s a bug...

No no no just kidding. Baseball is a sport that is much more thinking than the casual fan can really understand and you are not getting the gist of it from watching a game or two. Anytime you want the real lowdown and Baseball wander over to me and I will fill you in


Anonymous said...

OK I'm up for some convincing that baseball is a real game. Go for it then an tell my why it is any better than rounders!

jonny on the ball

Anonymous said...

You explain rounders - I do baseball...

jonny on the ball said...

I have found a link that explains the rules of "rounders", hope this helps and I will be interested with the real differences between rounders and baseball!
